Photo Credit: © Christopher Barrett
The intent of this page is to be a dynamic set of touch points concerning all things education… a place for conversation starters, thought, insights, ideas and conversations. Is fully modeled after the concept that we live in a dynamic evolving world and education does not need to be the exception, it needs to set the rules. So, in a sense, what you will discover here should be seen as a spark before the fire.

Designing a new school?
Dave Hill of Blue Valley Schools first introduced me to data from installation of DV or Displaced Ventilation Systems several years ago while a facilities director. 50% ventilation rate increase, 17% energy costs reduction & improved student academic performance cannot be ignored. Improving Indoor Air Quality has never become more important in our communities. 5/2020.

Clark Elementary School, VMDO Architects, Charlottesville VA
Simply one of my favorite transformations to date. Every detail was analyzed, from the design process and engagement of the community to every aspect of space and its requirements to engage authentic student-centered learning. Truly an amazing project. So many lessons here that resonate TODAY! 5/2020.

Teacher Appreciation.
To the mentors, guides, facilitators and teachers… To the policy makers, change agents, adventurers and risk takers. To the dreamers, storytellers, innovators and creators. THANK YOU for asking me what I thought, challenging me to try again and allowing me to be me... I know that it wasn’t easy! Original art, crayon on manila paper, David, age 5. 5/2020

Social/Emotional and the Physical.
I personally comprehend the financial burdens that stand before us in education. Clearly, there are tremendous fears ahead of us. As we attempt to weigh the unknown and predict the future, please be cautious not to negate the success that has been achieved based upon what we “DO” know about the learner and their requirements. 4/2020.

This is biophilic design.
Est. 2012, Shift + includes the use of repetitive but varied patterns that can be found in nature (fractals). These natural geometries have hierarchically organized scales and winding flow rather than straight lines and harsh perpendicular angles. Great biophilic design should be inspirational while actually enhancing the functionality of space without disruption. 3/2020.

This is biophilic design/2.
Natural geometries: The delineation of the radius that formed the curves of Shift +, Est. 2012 and subsequent scaled settings were created from the human scale of motion... Public: the outward reach motion of rotating arms, Private: the natural shifting of the working body from side to side and Intimate: the pivotal waves of the hands/fingertips. 3/2020.

Hats off to A4LE!
Thank you to all of the organizers, generous sponsors, speakers and brilliant minds who participated in this year’s Early Childhood Conference in Austin, Texas. I truly walked away inspired from 2 days of in depth, thought-provoking conversations, workshops as well as the wonderful tour of Magnolia Montessori for All school with Page. 3/2020.

A new product partnership
Just initiated VS in conjunction with Dr. Dieter Breithecker and found myself in one of my favorite places, Rothenberg ob der Tauber. Once Germany’s second largest city, this is one of the best-preserved walled towns. Perched upon a hill along the fabulous romantic road in southern Germany, some aspects were constructed in the mid 1300’s. 2/2020.

Kindergarten Schoolhouse
est.1898 along the romantic road in Germany. School is a place, a memory, a feel, a smell. School can be very personal embedded with emotional responses. Moving Forward, what are our requirements of school? What can school become? What are the antiquated structures that we can live without? And can we honestly leave them behind? 2/2020.